Friday, April 06, 2018

I felt a little guilty eating this sitting at a table with my kids and Olive who don't eat wheat.

I made this Stromboli for my dinner last night. Made the pizza dough from scratch. 
This one had Moz, Pepperoni, Can bacon and shaved garlic. The crust was eggwashed but we were out of the sesame seeds that I usually add to the crust. 

I felt a little guilty eating this sitting at a table with my kids and Olive who don't eat wheat. 
They were having pizza crackers, also hand made but not as appetizing to me. They loved their pizzas of course.
 I want to make a tutorial on how I make pizza but I no longer have windows 10. 
That means no videos until I square away an editing program. 
The Linux ones aren't quite up to par. I will make a video when we get back in the game.

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