Friday, March 30, 2018

Sometimes chicken, sometimes feathers.

The other day we had one of those situations where we attracted a huge crowd of fans but at the end of the day, a lot of them didn't put into our jar at the end.
Pedalling home, we decided to try our luck with $5 in a video poker den. We don't expect to keep our money but it's also fun to have some free drinks and listen to elderly folks swearing in that charming, non vulgar way they do so well. :)

Anyhoo, we didn't know anyone in the lotto den that day. They looked at us clowns...funny. Nobody made eye contact but we could tell everyone's state of awareness was peaking, posture rising, butt cheeks clenching.
We sat down and immediately Olive stumbled on a huge bonus. DING DING DING, Suddenly everyone was talking to and at us, cheering, offering suggestions.

It was a riot to behold.
That's what it takes to break the tension. Works for me. Her $5 bumped up to $80 and she made some friends.
I got to enjoy a hot dog and the classic song "Funky Town." It's also funny watching Olive win. Like myself, Olive isn't the slightest bit materialistic, it's all a game. So she is actually cheering the people cheering the win.
It doesn't matter that it's her win. She can equally enjoy anyone's win.
Someone must have noticed the honor system at our shows wasn't working out because when we got home there was a hundie donation in our site. It worked out.

Sometimes chicken, sometimes feathers.
Every day is a job interview.

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