Thursday, August 24, 2017

We saw a "keep america great" hat dude at dinner last night.

We saw a "keep america great" hat dude at dinner last night.
He was eating with a lady and they both looked miserable.
They reminded me of the expressions of the American Gothic painting.
Everyone was having fun but them, I felt sorry for that state of affairs.
What a messed up mental prison they put themselves in compounded by everyone thinking they are easily the biggest douches in the room.
Folks made a wide circle around them and with good reason. That hat represents "study nothing, and or throw everyone under the bus".
Who could be that grumpy at a buffet?
Maybe they didn't like the company they were with. Across from them was a huge table of Polynesian folks as well as lots of black folks, middle eastern people, Latinos and "off-white" folks like me.
He was also the only person sporting a gun.
It made him look absolutely terrified.

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