Saturday, August 26, 2017

on the soap box

45 is doing great things for WW2 did. If those folks were really into stewarding the country and honoring their religion they wouldn't have all the weakest members of society (minorities, old folks, sick folks, kids, the planet) in their cross-hairs. 
That is some straight up chimp behavior. 
No idea why the American Taliban don't get along with Isis, they are just as intolerant and they even share franchises of the same God. Groupthink yo. 
To their credit, I'm pretty sure the actual Taliban are a lot less racist than their American counterthugs, but the USA have fundamentalists who are ok with dancing and women driving so woo woo woo. 
Also our side cares so much about tax money they want money spent of a useless wall to solve a non problem. 
People aren't stupid, it's groupthink from years of rightwing programming mutating lots of worldviews. 
Lots of money and time were spent conditioning people to vote and act against their core beliefs and best interests. 
We need to find a way to free up some minds. Every town would be as livable as a college town if it weren't for the greediest few who own everything keeping us down.

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