Sunday, January 18, 2015

WestBORO Baptist Church Takes on PDX

 Olive and Dingo Reporting the "goings on" at Moda Center as the Blazers put on their sneakers to play the "Magics" apparently folks with more than "GO Trail Blazers!" signs started to swarm the premises! 
AND Here's what's up: When WBC decided to start picking on the LGBT community boy did they stir up a swarm of bees! First they had to deal with what Rich Mackin calls the "Who's who of Portland Trouble Makers" then had to deal with a huge pack of folks holding signs right where they (WBC) were about to try to reek havoc. This little band of haters went out of the frying pan, into the fire and then into another frying pan where Trail Blazers Fans started yelling "Go Blazers" as they do & a group of youngsters then started blaring unifying dance beats in the cold rain. And Darn it all: the Westboro Baptist Church folks couldn't take the heat. (too much fun) They literally ran away (total time spent protesting: 15 minutes). 

But thank you anyway WBC. You united a large group of loving, accepting humans of non-haters here in Portland who then got to dance & declare their own thoughts about LOVE. No one got punched or sued. It's a happy ending for all. Huzzah!

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