Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Remember those kind but no B.S. older dudes in the neighborhood

Remember those older dudes in the hood that would move the very earth for you if you needed them but you really still have to have yourself together  and bring your "A game" when you go to see them?

If you didn't look and act sharp they would just look at you like you were a screeching chimp in a diaper. Well...I'm pretty sure I turned into one of those dudes a few years back. I'm eager to help but this fool doesn't suffer fools very well anymore. I get really irritated when someone isn't aware that they should be embarrassed for how they are acting.:) mostly because of the young dudes who are watching and learning. I don't want them to pick up the ideas that being stupid, lazy, disloyal, cruel short-sighted or helpless is an option to be desired. They all deserve better than that.


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