Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Struck a deal with Powells!!!!

I'm very happy to report that Our rubber Chicken Coloring books are now available from Powell's Books on Hawthorne Blvd. They bought 10 on the spot and gave us a number and a way to refill as needed THANKS YA'LL
We are stoked to have them as well as a string of less famous book stores believing in us. Olive and I go out in all weather...

...and we add new locations every day and continue to mail them all over the country.

Pam, Lisa, Michelle, Julia and Alexander your coloring books are now mailed and on the way.
The lady at the post office said "Exporting more Portland culture today?"
She mails lots of rubber chickenry for us. She wasn't amused at my packing job so she had me re-do a bunch. Then she did further upholstering. I sure made... friends in that long line as I took forever to get my ducks in a row Sorry!

You can go see the 35 Rubber chicken Paintings I have up at Flying Cat Coffee on 31st and SE Division. They are a riot! And you can pick up a copy of our coloring book for $4. Click the title above to visit our online store.

I'm gratful and surprised that this has gone over so well. Thank you so much everyone! Thank you Olive Rootbeer!

tip jar

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.