Friday, June 04, 2010

let it go this too shall pass

Right now I'm dealing with a sorry lot who happen to hold the keys to my kids.
I didn't give up my equipment after the exwife rudely demanded it. So they started harassing me about photos.

Her really creepy guy took an innocent photo of Olive tied to a chair and made it as creepy as he is. They took my "No television" ad and turned it into depravity.. Then the witch hunting ex wife began harassing Olive and my Mom in Texas about it.
They used a ton of sensationalism and false innuendo ( like sending photo to my mom sans captions or context) to paint me as a pig who puts my kids out for predation.
So the guy who's only achievement that I know of is covering up his ineptness as a clown by going to jail in a diaper is bothering my Girlfriend about photos on my Facebook page. I don't like having that guy anywhere near my kids and yet here he is with his sorry face in my family.

At our house they have their own room, plenty of food and adventure. Olive spends all of her time and money with them like they are hers. Nobody smokes anything around them or in the house and I only have one room mate. No walking beer commercials, No babysitters to fall asleep and forget where they are. They have it made at Dad's house.

We had just gotten home from a concert (my daughter and I) when we found Olive stressed.
Olive was so creeped out to find that this little dude called Will was pouring over her web site looking for trouble to report to my ex. She only knows him as a manchild who drifts around in tents and back yards with an awful attitude.
She doesn't really know him and he was being an asshole to her ordering her around about the photos. He didn't contact me to my face he emailed my girlfriend...what a PUSSY!
Poor Olive is a kind soul who doesn't deserve that mess nor does she know how to say
"EEEEW fuck off douche bag".
I sure know how to scrape off scum bags so I told him to piss off.
What would you do if a guy you only know as a creepy, useless home bum was getting between you and your kids?
I gave in and took down over 80 pics of my kids. Some of them only existed online. When I was married the ex told me to be careful what I joke about or post online because someone would misconstrue it or use it against me..HA! Turned out it WAS her only tactic.
My kids hold me like they think they will be taken away and the tell me they love me over and over. I hate seeing them like that. It seems like the more success I find the meaner the ex wife gets.
The bully won by sending the little home bum after my woman. I cried and cried as I took photos down and missed my kids so much.
Yesterday after the gig Olive tells me that they won't be letting me have my kids this week end. No explanation..just no kids.
Thats short notice, we already bought food for them and planned to spend all our time with them.
Can she just cut me off at will no notice no nothing?
I had to tell my daughter that if that happened to take care of her that was hard to do.
This my friends is why I'm concentrating on not visualizing the enemy bound, feebleminded and with organs full of tumors.I'm letting this go but I will never let my kids go as long as there arms reach for me.

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