Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Years EVE in North East PDX

Space is limited, so come early to
1036 NE Alberta / 503-284-7665

Doors at 8:30 / Show at 9:00
$10 at the door / 21+
Suggested attire: Red, black, gold

Champagne & Caviar @ Midnight

New Years is a holiday that you own to yourself. In old Russia they say that the special way - and the circle of friends - you spend your New Years night with will continue for the rest on the year.

Let's welcome the year 2010 as a year of balance: Balance between crazy and cozy, stylish and outrageous, cold and hot, beer and vodka…but always happy with caviar and champagne and good music. The countdown at 12, party favors and a sea of champagne and caviar, will add a little touch of luxury, but don't you fear - all within the balance of your pocket!

MC Clown Dingo and his assistant Olive will make laugh and possibly cry, but just to keep you in a healthy balance. Snow Girl makes a game for you to find your perfect balance in the new 2010.
So bring your big wishes!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Come trade your stuff!

We are holding an after Xmass Barter Bazaar on January the 6th, TRADE YER STUFF 8-3 reserve a table $7.50 29th and Belmont!. at the new venue we just finished opened up "The Flipside" on 29th and Belmont behind Muddy waters.
$7.00 a table to sell stuff from 8-3pm on the Sunday after Xmess. Barter Bazzar!!!!!
Auction at 3, games, fun, food friends, entertainment.
Talk to me or Aloe if you would like to reserve a table or play music for tips and popcorn.
We are looking for folks to sell unwanted xmass gifts or odd quirky merch.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pad smell of weed and Landlord knockin'? Here's what to:

Get naked and then calmly answer the door. No matter what they need...fer better or worse they won't mind coming back a little later. Don't look TOO good now or you may never get rid of them. If you look too good you may need to give yourself a swirly in the dirty dishes before you get the door.
Your welcome.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I used to work for the corporate circus...not as a clown, I wasn't an entertainer at all . Back then I was a "Butcher" that means I sold Pop corn to the crowd. My comish was 10%, thats a hell of a lot of money when you are working stadiums. I came to learn that the circus makes it's money from the concessions and the frikkin Shriners or who ever hires the show get the door money.
My micro circus show here in Beantown is no different, We just got a commercial popcorn maker and I want to use it as soon as possible.
The more dough I make from consissions the less I have to charge the bar or cafe I'm working for dig it?
Here's the dealio...
I don't want the paper bags that come with selling pop corn. That's not at all what I am about my friends, I'm only into creating a debris field whithin the confines of the big top.
My question is....what can I use to deliver pop corn to the people thats not made out of wasteful packaging?
Banana leaf?
Wiffle balls?
string? is itall chained by string and sold for $25 a strand?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hard boiled egg eating contest ..

They volunteered to sit in front of the cocktail seating of Dante's inferno room in Portland Oreegon and each each from a plate of a dozen large, hard boiled eggs.

The rules: Finish first or finish most. Throwing up is a lose.
The Prize: A full Zippo lighter with an 8 ball and a skull.
The catch:We picked eggs because we know it's not possible to eat 12 of them without puking!
Thank you so much Mr.Richter for finding puke buckets and dealing with them afterwards. I thought I would be cleaning puke at nights end but I never ended up even smelling any.Thank You Sir, as usual you earned your pay!!!!

Judges confer...Both threw up during the event but the guy from Wolfmother puked first so the lady (his date?) wins the Zippo Lighter!!!!!She held her grits a good long time...I was so happy.

Don't do the Toys for Tots thing friends.

They try to get you to buy new toys for kids during the Christmas season. Don't do it! I know because I spent years being a parent that didn't have a lot of money and I was a naughty kid as a child so I didn't get a lot of presents.
Dig this...poor kids don't need toys...they need RENT.
When the neighborhood gets too rich for the rent to be manageable those parents don't want to have to keep track of a bunch of toys. A family without a lot of money still know how to have fun without Barbie!
Toys for tots only makes more consumers!try Cots for Tots!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

wow Small Print pops right up when you find it, copy, paste to blogger. They should make a "Pyramid Expo-button"

*DISCLAIMER: The examples set forth here are hypothetical examples that are intended to explain the components and operation of the MagicPowerCoffee Compensation Plan. These hypothetical examples are not representative of the income, if any, that an MPC Associate can or will earn through his or her participation in the MPC Compensation Plan. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings, whether made by MPC or a Associate, would be misleading. Success with MPC results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities. Because Magic Power Coffee is so young, it has not yet had the ability to determine either: (1) the average earnings for all its Associates; or (2) the percent of MPC Associates who achieved or exceeded the hypothetical earnings set forth above. As soon as this information is available, we will provide it on this page. An Associate must be active in order to sell product and earn commissions & bonuses. You must also be qualified to earn commissions. This means you must have at least 30 PV monthly to be qualified to earn matrix commissions. Or, you can personally sell product with at least 30 BV.

†Individual results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this Website or in emails is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your doctor. Magic Power Coffee is not intended or to be used to treat any type of medical condition.

WARNING: Not intended for use by persons under 18 years of age or women who are pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician before using this product if you have any medical condition including, but not limited to, strokes, high blood pressure, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, diabetes, anemia, depression, anxiety, other psychiatric conditions, a family history of these or other medical conditions, or if taking any prescription, OTC and/or other herbal medications.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Wide Open Mic tonight! Muddy Waters Coffee House 29th and Belmont SE

FOOD FRIENDS FUN! Yes lads and ladies it's time for another wild installment of the olde Wide open Mic a Muddy's. Amazing who turns up and what acts arrive, pORTLAND REALLY COMES OUT FER this one.

3 songs or 10 min slots go down till 10 or 11 pm. singer songwriters, stand up comics, interpretive dance! Some folks just hop on over and draw or do art while people do day thang.

Sometimes well know or popular acts play the open mic because they are guaranteed a crowd in a city FULL of things to do.

We have beer, hot food, cold food, coffee drinks!

29th and Belmont strts at 6.5 sign up is at 6 so don't tarry!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tampons and ping pong balls make wonderful ammunition.

Ya gotta be respectful to the venues Y'know...we can't just bring tiny confetti or glitter (anymore) and it's not nice to blow little flat paper all over the night I figgered this combo to shoot out of the canon and it works MUCHO GUSTO!.

The canon...

Leaving the end of the canon being pushed by about 175 P.S.I. should anyone be standing in front of this thing when it goes off...well that's not our problem.
Ask me about any mishaps and expect me to start blurting out "No Engliss!"

Treasure quest with Dingo Dizmal