Thursday, October 15, 2009

People I wanted to kick in the back

Today as I was walking home from getting a coffee down the street.
I found myself walking a half a block behind a man who was smoking tobacco.
Boy did he stink...even from far away his butt smoke was just foul!
I had bushes to the right and heavy traffic to the left of me that sucks! no escape!
I thought to myself..." I should put my coffee down and run up behind him and kick him in an expensive part of his spine".
He wouldn't have known what hit him!
I'm not cruel...I'm just being assaulted with his toxic, cigg smoke so why can't I return the favor.
I must have had a nasty look on my grill because the man looked back at me as I thought that evil deed with a look of fear.
He wisely crossed several lanes of heavy traffic to get to the other sidewalk.
Good for him!
Last night at work downtown Ringmaster Noah and I were standing on the corner of 4th and Burnside discussing the nights time line...when a man approached us and asked if we needed any X.T.c. pills YUCK!
This dude looked SKETCHY!
Ringmaster Noah was polite and just said no but I was PISSED OFF that we were interrupted by #1 a man who is poisoning people with pills they don't need and #2 most likely ripping people off by selling them asthma pills or whatever.
I wanted to kick him in the expensive part of his back...sorry.
Lucky for the world I left my "spine kicking" days in Texas thank you very much!
We are separated by hundreds of miles and a statute of limitations long expired.
I don't want be judgmental ...I just find it really insulting when folks assume that I'm on a lot of drugs to do stunts and be funny.
The truth is...I only got good at my craft when I stopped drinking and smoking ciggs LOL!

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