Saturday, March 21, 2009

cool video....

One of my hobbies is tracking Human Migration over the millennium, where I come from is the first step in finding my soul.
I have looked since childhood and found understanding about why people act as the do by looking at what they eat and how.
Dig this...if you tell a stone aged fella not to eat pigs, the dude will tell you to go screw a pig...get trichinosis and kill his whole gene pool in one dinner.
Now tell him GOD will throw you in his barbecue pit if you eat pig...and if you time your commandment right before a good lightning storm...the guy wont eat the pig...that is until a fool down the road a few hundred years tells him that we now have refrigeration and proper cooking standards and it's cool to eat pigs.
Now in another human migration, one on the other side of the globe South Texas where I'm from) they too had pigs but not the same crazy religious dietary they just stuffed everything with salt and hot peppers and were fine.
Those people also have many crazy religious laws don't get me wrong...did I just hear that the Pope declare that condom use contributes to the HIV problem?
I found this video (click above title) and thought it was very telling of a food migration.
If ya wanna find a crook, follow the money, if ya wanna track migration of mammals follow the food!

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.