Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Franc has started a company!!!!

Our old friend and clown companiero is back!
Franc is now sporting the General Lee (a tall bike, much celebrated)and look for him doing bike circus stunts this season!
Meantime give him a call to get your hovel done up purdy!

TIDY Housekeeping CO. is a bicycle
based, elbow-grease powered, squad
of obsessive compulsive cleaning

We offer very reasonable rates, and
a variety of cleaning services
including weekly, bi-weekly, and
monthly cleaning.

We also offer one-off spring
cleanings, as well as deep cleaning
for apartment turnover and property
for sale.

Call today for more information!

Housecleaner Extraordinaire

1 comment:

UNST254L Mentored Inquiry Workshop said...

Hey D don't tell nobody but TIDY! is actually just a cover for my international dumpster porn syndicate.


spotting a fire