Sunday, December 28, 2008

Got Vasectomy?

I don't want any more rabbits!
Who knows a dick-doc?
I think I'm going to need to throw a benefit show...A cock fight and jello wrestling rock benefit!!!
Wouldn't that be such a pay for male sterilization with a rocknroll circus benefit?
I expect it to cost about $750, I don't like to buy anything without haggling.
Maybe I should find an inexpensive doc on the Craigslist?
Well...maybe not, a cheap doc may leave my twinky stinky.
I just have to get this "ISSUE" sorted before my old lady decides that she can do it herself in a Safeway bathroom.


wendy said...

Hi, Dingo you never cease to amuse me. I love your blog and spirit. as soon as the new year turns I will be hounding you to be part of jakes party. I have to look at the budget (yuck) then make you a offer.

Anonymous said...

recommended reading, from (sorta) local publisher, microcosm:

my idea: maybe you just need to post some videos on republican/conservative web sites saying "how much would you donate to prevent this man from being able to produce offspring?". i bet you get $7500. enough to sterilize 10 clowns!

Dingo Dizmal said...

Hey Wendy!
I would LOVE to go perform in your town again.
I made such good friends when I was there and my buddy has a beach house nearby...just say the word.

spotting a fire