Thursday, December 25, 2008

See I gotziz nice jugs!

I'm out of honey in one location and the rest is at Muddy Waters Coffee House (last I checked 5 left)I sold almost all of three cases.
I got my money back and a little more, now I have to go intersect with some hill folk.
Two nights ago I had a meeting with a friend about Alberta Street and Clown Housing...lets just say he has a BIG interest in the well being of Alberta street.
We talked jello wrestling logistics and political strategy.
I'm gonna have to answer all the complaints of the last Clown House at a town hall fun fun.
This spring expect Clownarchy on Alberta Street.


Anonymous said...

hey man, 2009 is going to be theee time to buy a house. maybe even on alberta -- who knows? house market stinks and prices are plummeting, surplus of houses out there.

of course, the trick is getting a bank to float a mortgage to clownarchists. other than that, though, the timing may be right.

i will cross my fingers for you all.

Anonymous said...

got anymore honey?? will you restock?? I WANT YOUR HONEY!!!

spotting a fire