Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not yer mama's thanksgiving.

I slept in Olives bed...wrote a song about it.
I woke up alone in the Kalisti apartment, they had all gone.
My girl was halfway up a mountain with family, I would be there too but I had a gig last night.
My Portland kin are on 29th and Belmont at Muddy Waters, it is after all my living room.
They are feeding everyone today for free and they have the biggest spred.
I'm honered to be considered family here...none of us are related but we still live and love each other and have for more than a year now.
My kids are in Battle Ground WA. with some grand parents...good for them.
Theres no Football here at Muddy's just my mountain bike sitting in the rain.
Theres no seasonal music on the big house speakers, it's Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins and Tool, it's LOUD!
Not all the herbs will go on the turkey, I'm sure we will be smoking some later (YAY!).
I'm thankful for friends, family here, Texas Family who miss me, future family and future friends.
I'm thankful for my rich life here in Portland, theres never a dull moment unless I want one.
I'm thankful that I lived long enough to master my movements through time and space (as I know it)and I'm sure glad I found the key to making my own luck.
I'm thankful I'm a self starter and glad I'm in good company.
I'm also thankful that you are reading my blog.

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