Monday, October 20, 2008

Wasted days and wasted nights:

The faucet had been leaking for two weeks, that’s irony.
The denizens of the Feral Punk House have made the water use in the house a priority, they always have.
Those kids don’t drain the bathtub so they can bucket flush, the laundry water drains into the garden, sink drains dump into buckets too, it’s real…real ironic what happened to them.
Amazing that to the best efforts, the landlord never came to fix the problem for two weeks.
That’s a lot of wasted hot water filling buckets in the tub for flushing.
What an expensive way to flush!
Yesterday, the Landlord came and fixed it YAY!
He also gave them 30 days to move out, he needs money now that the stock market crashed so he is selling the house.
This new development displaces three kids and four adults; I hear he felt awful about it.
My kid is in a good school!
The world had been beating The Feral Punk House down a lot in the past few months; they only want to be good world citizens.
The free food porch shut down and so was the free store.
They worked so long and hard on one more garden that won’t be feeding anyone.
If they need me, I will help them hunker down and just refuse to move again.
Caffeine thinks they can buy the house “For the People”, she needs 50 thousand down to get the house for 250000, she thinks she can get the money with benefit shows.
I think that raising money with showbiz is folly, isn’t the government “Bailing” people out?
Maybe not THOSE people, I think they should just squat some of the newly foreclosed on places, I would but I’m going to squat ones on Alberta Street.

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