Monday, October 20, 2008

at the Feral Punk House Meghan is ill

, against Caffeine’s advice she ate a lot of dumpstered pizza from Little Caesar’s.
The kids who live here have an uncanny ability to bound off into the wasteland and bring back free food.
They dumpster raw veggies, fruit, even tofurkey!
Since the new one opened down the street, the punks here at the Feral Punk House have been treating it like a second refrigerator…yuck, that stuff isn’t food when it’s hot.
Low quality pizza is gut glue so Meghan spent the night in the bathroom puking.
She was gonna watch one of the F.P.H. kids while Caffeine took the other two to church (1st Unitarian, downtown PDX) now I’m with my son, he is one funny dude.
I needed to get some time in so I can have off on Sat for the big show at Plan B.
My partner “O” got off work last night, I met her half way and we spent the night in the driveway of the F.P.H.
Finding a romantic partner that fits into my nomadic lifestyle is a blessing, the least I can do for her is to live near plumbing when she comes over.
Don’t get me wrong; she is no pansy, she likes when we live by show venues and in fantastic locations around Portland.
I thought about it, since we have been close we have spent the night in lots of places all over Portland, what an adventure!
Meghan got better last I saw.

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