Saturday, September 20, 2008

I let my spider go in my house bike.

Yeah I thought it was a stupid idea but what else was I gonna do?
It's cool,I stuck her in a big box off the side of a wall and there she stayed, she is awsome.
I had a little moment with her yesterday, we looked into each others eyes, (I have two she has four that I could see)we are friends and I'm not afraid.
She let me know that she likes to sometimes find some sun so I decided to just let her go, I just have to be careful not to crush her.
I now ended up having to search for her before plopping down in my house or have company.
I wanted to post a BEWARE GUARD SPIDER on my house but I don't want her to get hurt and I don't know where I could get her a uniform.
Speaking of guarding things, I will be spending four days guarding a generator at the hand built bike show, that should be fun.
The open mic at the Apothecary went really well last night.
Now it's my weekend, no kids, no gigs, now I want to soak my body, my pelvis is sore from a tall bike wreck last week, my emotions are all screwy (they always are) and I have way too much equipment to carry around, I may rent a shed to live by for the rainy months.
Have a good weekend friends!

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