Wednesday, July 09, 2008

open mic barter fair

OK it's a trade circle at Muddy Waters Coffee House this Thirsday at 4:30.
Hand made, found art, old clothes that are still cool.
Bring you stuff, display on any table of spot of
then at 6:30 it's the sign up for Muddy Waters Open Mic with Dingo Dizmal.
Singer song writers, stand up comedy, the bizzare stunts and stand up comedy.
No Pressure! Prizes! cheap beer!
Muddy Waters Coffee House 29th and Belmont.
No trading of Drugs, Guns or small children please.

1 comment:

Mr DeJerk said...

Hey, Dingo! Looks like you're having many adventures! While in SE, you should go meet my friend Tom, he owns a coffee shop called Space Monkey on 72nd and Harold. He'd love some dawg snax...

positive mail roll model

Today I took my secret romantic partner's 10 year old son on one of my Dump Bunny cartage service dump runs. We had a blast together but...