Saturday, May 03, 2008

Ollie Ollie Oxenfree, getting ADBIKE together before the show.

He had to do it in the rain under a tarp.
It was a good long ride from Skye Tower in SE to the Star E Rose on 24th and NE Alberta.
We bitched the whole freezing wet way there, as we careened through traffic on tall bikes and loaded heavy with clownarchery (we even had a bowling ball).
It is Spring, and even though it was raining heavy at times, and sunny moments later, lawnmowers were blasting away in all the neighborhoods between Hawthorne and Alberta,
The pointless march with the stinky motor starts me in a foul mood everytime, I wish I didn't notice it sometimes.
At some point, we passed a group of 11 year olds on a corner, they were sitting like penguins, huddled together in the rain, there was no bus stop around so they looked even more "On the ice shelf".
As we passed they began cheering us and yelling "GO GO CLOWN HOUSE DUDES!"
That stopped us bitching about the cold for like, ten blocks.

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