Sunday, May 25, 2008

now I'm fortifide

I smoked a bowl then ate a bowl...of Chex with a handful of trail mix.
I'm in the throws of moving, it's fun to ditch drop stuff I don't need on my friends.
I'm an avid loot stasher, so in busting out of my drawers and closet I reclaimed $ 140 and some grass.
I also was able to find the paper telling me that my kicker check was donated to a school in Clackamas, if I was in a spending mood I would
have got pants that fit.
Yesterday: lightning storm, tall bike, wow!that was scary I rode around for a long time in the rain.

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positive mail roll model

Today I took my secret romantic partner's 10 year old son on one of my Dump Bunny cartage service dump runs. We had a blast together but...