Saturday, May 17, 2008

i need a friend...well a local one

Well I should say, another friend, Nathan B. hooked me up where the circus crew screwed me off.
I set up the Behemoth to carry my two kids and planned to go out in mass with the crew to the Alberta art hop, some how they all went by car leaving me to haul all that stuff myself.
To make matters worse I had no socks and blah blah blah (more tales of why it sucked here).
It was the most helpless I have been in a long time, the bike broke down, the baby was into pulling cotter pins out of the trailor, if it wasn't for some dirt in the pipes, he would have released himself into traffic with me not noticing till too late, where were my people?
I'm always there for them, I'm always there for a lot of people...they suck.
I think I need a new city, I know I need new digs, drunks and babys are driving me mad.
Nathan took care of Bruce so I could do the parade, Meghan held my bike while I looked for my friends, they are cool.
Maybe I can go live with one of them.
Well time to change a diaper.
at the end of the parade I had to getvmy son and so lost my ten year old.
I told my friends...nobody got up,I told a strangerr lady and an hourvand a half later other people helped my to my child.
on good news my kid looked devine in her stilts, her circus instructor tells me she is a star, a natural.
I got to take the two year old into a school lavatory so he can log some urinal time in, he is getting bathroom 1.1 pretty well.
I do have lots of friends, I'm just hurt by my cloest friends,dissrespecting me.
who wants to teach a cool craft to folks who pull out the rug at go time.
Guess who was at the parade staging point for briefing?
Will Workforf Ood, it was just like last year he was a treat to work with.

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positive mail roll model

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