Monday, February 25, 2008

Remember this guy?

"The Grope" lived in a tent, in the yard of the Clown House for months he was a heavy security guard, a smart clown, and a trusted friend.
I named him "The Grope" because of the way he gropes the ground when he rides his BMX.
He grew up about 60 miles from where I did in Texas, we met here.
He was a big part of the act and was super important during the unzipping of the house.
He has since started his own thing in Texas, hope to see him this summer.
I really need another Clown House before the season starts.

Dear Mr. Clown Boss

I fucking did it!!!! I can play my fucking banjo while I ride my tall bike!!! you don't even know!!!! I hope I can pay you a visit soon. Miss ya.


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