Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Amazing Pot Luck last Night

Gypsey Geoff Marsh came into town with a hot vixen from California he had gotten a ride with, he called up the Sardiene Circus and some other show biz folk like Leapin Louie and a street busking vet of years, Von and pretty soon Skye Tower was full of circus workers partying, it was grand, a huge feast, some vegan stuff, some veggie dishes and eventually a giant tray or broiled, dead, bird.
I wondered if a particular Vegan would kiss me if I had hunks of chicken flesh dangling from my greasy mandibles, she did.
Did I mention Meghan was there?
She was, I'm spelling her name correctly now...just for fun.
I'm starting a blog as another character, just a hint of things to come.
I have been greatly enjoying the SW sector of Portland, it's as 24 hours as I am, so is Meghan.
I have some band practice in a studio with a huge cast, I don't know what it will sound like but when it's done you will know it's us.
I saw water flash-evaporating off the Justice center roof the other night, the huge lights boiled the cold rain off the glass creating clouds of steam.
All the mist in the dark night lit up in many colors, I love Portland like family.
This was as I was coming downtown from South East, Portland looked like a comic book page, just a day in the life, this place rocks!

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spotting a fire