Tuesday, November 06, 2007


It's funny, my place was a bit like the Luner surface, once something is put somewhere, there it stays, but my kids came over and it looks like a crime scene.
I have a relatively good attitude about it, they are a handful but still cute enough not to push out windows.
I had really good times with my kids, nowdays I have much more time to spend with them and they get most of my attention.
After I dropped my "super helpful" daughter at school, me and the boy took a trip on some buses, it's warm, full of monkey bars and it's moving...good times.
We were playing that game when I dropped him off, he was having so much fun, he took the hat off my head and threw it as we left the bus, I didn't catch it until the bus drove off with my tiger eared hat.
I was kind of bummed all night, it's like I gambled the rent away on the 75 bus.
I remember thinking "That hat is my personality, how will people know who I am like this", oh yeah, I'm a little irrational sometimes.
I decided to take every 75 bus that came along until the one with my hat came.
I got off at Killingsworth and 42nd and got a burrito, on my way out a couple were going into the restraunt, the fella looked at me and said to his wife "Sweet Dingo the clown eats here honey".
Wow, I wasn't wearing any clown stuff at all except maybe the patchwork jersey that Skye Blue made up for me.
I rode that bus to the Gateway stop, there I peeked at the 24 hour fitness people on the second floor and felt like a letch.
It was at Hawthorn that I got off and a homebum came up to me and started laughing "Yer the fella that rides that damn huge bike around uh?"
"Yes I'm waiting for my hat to arrive on the next bus."
He gave me some lines about Jesus and prayed for me to get my life together, I think he may have been praying for himself...he was drunk.
The bus came and I went to the seat I was in, the pencil that the boy threw was still in the crack of the seat so it was the correct bus but the hat was gone.
I'm hoping it was a friend or that the hat has a wonderful adventure and then comes back to me in 20 years covered in patches from around the world.
And the moral of this story is...I can complain about anything.

We have a gig this Thursday at Reed college with some bands and stuff, starts at 7 or 8 Ill post a flier if i can.
We practiced yesterday, a skit involving a guy tied to a chair and a tall bike rolling at him.

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