Saturday, November 10, 2007

Well, last night in my dream room

I took the last night in my bad ass room, hope I get to keep the bed.
I think I'm moving downstairs to a room with lots of light and not much room.
Guess I'll build a loft and get some mirrors.
I missed a chance to hang with my kids yesterday because of the whole "Eviction thing" but as usual I landed on my feet.
Not so good for our new guy Jehozafats, he just couldn't shake a flu he has so he lit out this morning for the deep south.
He was a good team mate as far as talent was concerned but the stress of working sick and slowing us down compelled him to blaze out, he had never been a clown before and now he has some skills.
I spent the last night hearing the rain drops falling on the tin roof parts, I'm gonna miss that place.
I think it was important to have some little losses to help mellow the sting of some big losses I took this year.
Funny, on my last night in my room, I dreamed I was sleeping...with my ex.
Last night I got us a gig for Febuary, it's the Chiniese new year celebration.
We need some gigs for next week.

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