Thursday, September 06, 2007

I went out this morning like I always do, found a cafe and tried to convince them to put up my rubber chicken paintings.
This morning it was Mojo's on Stark.
The woman at the counter greeted me with a disgusted look, when I told her about the chickens she looked at me like I was handing her a dirty diaper.
After that I didn't have the heart to spend any money, so thanks lady at the Mojo counter for saving me some dough.
I did have a good weekend of peace, I found a bike that has the parts I need to make Will fix the General Lee.
The Grope left for the mid west with Door rat Dave, they had a car piled high with freak bikes, props and intentions of starting the Texas version of the Clown House Bike Rodeo.
If he makes it to Texas alive his show will be called "F'N "A" Rodeo", he let me name his show since I showed him the ropes.
We are practicing the new show a lot, it will have a roller skating nurse and a giant.
Will Workforf Ood is great...he has a girlfriend.

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