Saturday, June 02, 2007

pinga's peeps

I talked to Pinga's relative today, it was great!
His family members are calling a lot, because he is getting married soon.
Last month, the phone would ring, I pick it up, no sound, just before I hang up I hear “Tiago ev2y2t1c?”
I would advise that he is gone to work, then loooong silence, then “Tiago wwbvrivie?”
I would again repeat myself, eventually hanging up and feeling like a dope.
I knew that Pinga's dad won the Nobel Prize, but I wondered wondered if his mom may be retarded.
Why would someone ask a question, ponder it for a long time, and then act like they didn't hear me.
I mustered the courage to approach Pinga about it, I walked up to him about to ask “ Say Pinga, is your Mama retarded?” He probably wouldn't engage me on the spot but I bet I would find something evil in my bed or food.
He told me that theres a delay in the broadcast, as it travels from Brazil to here. They sound like that because we aren't in the same space and time.
You learn somethin every day.

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