Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Stuff

Hey yall howzit goin?
I'm kickin it in the office of the Clown House.
I'm typing and looking out the window at the happenings below.
People are building things, the weather is nice and we have plenty of work.
We have been plotting and planning what to do in the next few gigs, it's hard but having sex with turtles.
We ran an ad to rent some space (the rent here is a real Bi*ch) on Craigslist and got a lot of nice folks checking in with us.
It's hard to find someone who matches your interests and lifestyle.
Can you believe that it can be rough being the only person in a house who isn't a clown?
Thats me, just kidding.
Some folks can't live with us because we have kids or they don't like the price, we can't live with some because they turn out to be two people and a dog or show up drunk.
We met one lady that had promise, I call her "the tourist", she is almost done raising a kid and now she is out having fun exploring new things.
Her kid was going away to school overseas and she was clearing out a storage unit in Tuoilettin somewhere. She looked around with wide eyes and loads of exitement at the prospect of living among so much organised chaos.
I gave her the tour, she agreed on the price, and then emailed me telling me she can't move in till mid month, that spells; me payin for two weeks worth of an empty room.
I told her if it was still empty by mid month I would be glad to have her.
As she left, I walked up to the street in front of my place.
A lady walked up to me and sternly said, "It's over here" and began walking to the corner talking at me.
I caught up to her...
"I want the grass cut, the driveway and some edging..."
I just walked beside her nodding and acting like I knew what she was talking about.
It's a trick I learned from Ood, just go with t and see what happens, if it gets ugly, jump on a bus.
We got to her house and she showed me a lawn mower.
Now normally you couldn't pay me to touch a lawn mower, but this looked like a paying gig.
lawns are my enemy, I hate them, they are pointless, they require expensive, poison spewing equipment to maintain and they are a crop that provides no food..
But she was thinking I was someone else so I couldn't stop mid con, I touched the nasty thing.
I did a god job and made $23 in half an hour.
Another person came by looking at the space for rent, a day or two later, she responded in email with "Namaste", she was sleek, smart, nice and well in her mind.
I was happy that she was a healer and had a nice attitude and a respectful daughter.
Caffeine and her got along, her kid and mine got along, she accepted the room price, left saying she would love to move in and then never returned.
The other day I saw in the news that a woman was found dead on a portch and now I'm worried sick about her. It didn't make sense that she wouldn't show up after being so excited about staying here and coming off as such a sweet, honest person.
She didn't return any of 4 phone calls (from different housemates) and one email, I hope she is ok.
Santos showed up.
A dude from Texas I'll call "Santos" (because thats his name) showed up from Austin Texas, he didn't see the rental post, he had just heard of us in Texas and came by.
He works on kite technology, he rented a room, payed the extra for the time it sat empty and he has already put together several inventions and I see he has a generator that puts power out that kites generate.

Bizzy Bawdy is working on some underbritchiz that are soooo outa sight...I mean in sight, those drawers are made for struttin with, her mascot is a dead bee so she is sewing black lace stripes across yellow panties, nice she is the cheerleader clown so her colors are really important.

Capt. Ace Hole: he is a new guy that flew in from Chicago to work as our ace bike flyer and mechanic. This fella comes from the place where tallbikes began aroundt the early 1900s.
He wasn't there but they used to light the lamps and put them out daily on tall bike.
The LampLighters became the first drunken tall bike gang ever.
There wouldn't be another one (really) until the Black Lable folks did it in Mineapolis during the late 90s (I was there).
wHEN YOU SEE aCE YOU WILL KNOW IT, he will be on the biggest bike here at three frames tall, he has a ww1 aviator hat with goggles, a flight jacket and a big smile...hey gals he's single!
Like what we do? Donation bucket!

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