Monday, April 09, 2007

fun with meat

What a day, I had to deal with a pissed off kid who was trying to score drugs off my porch,I yelled at him and a guy who was an adult but for some reason was engaging a drug conversation with a child on my porch. I told the kid he had to go and felt like a real jerk for screaming like a drill seargent/judge at those people.
I got madder than I'd been in a while because Iv,e known this kid since he was in 1st grade, he never got a break, his mom is on crack, he threatens gangbangin and if someone don't give him somthing to do and somwhere to be he will.
If you think you can help this kid, talk to me,please don't waste my time telling me who to call.
By the time I saw the kid next he had convinced another adult to giver him tobbacco, I pulled it from his hands and crushed it, then gave grief to the girl who gave it to him.
That was a bummer morning but my afternoon was awsome and moved on to great...I had some fun with meat.
We have a gig in a few hours at the PCC on Killingsworth 10-12

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