We had the first normal day in weeks wow! WE EVEN GOT TO WORK ON A GOOD OLD FAShIONED ROCK VIDEO!
What a wierd conglomeration of events, first off, I woke up at 7 am.
My days with two kids and a night job have recalibrated my days from 24 hours to two 12 hour shifts and the sleep pattern went full circle so in one week I went from going to bed at 7 to this.
It's a new world, the world that exists while the sun is freshly up.
there are different sets of butts that sit on the chairs at my local coffee shop,
I met some new folks, shook hands with some old friends and had a pleasant time of it.
I gave up a huge cashe of Star E. Rose cafe, coffee cups that people left at my house, super hot Liz was dealing with a wall of people wanting things when she saw me.
She stopped what she was doing, threw her arms around me and said "I read your blog, sorry about your life", I didn't realize what she had said until hours later, I was just happy for the hug, so happy I went back an hour later just to gawk at her and giggle.
We decided that since our guy Will Workforf Ood was touring with Kissbank, we would tape video for "Filmed by bike" instead of practicing live stuff for our Dante's gig on the 27th.
I spent the night before writing the script, I wanted to use the snow fall to create a fire proof zone to tape some fun stuff blowing up, we don't always have such good conditions for large explosions. I won't tell yopu the plot because I want it to be a suprize when you see it at the Hollywood Theatre or wherever the "Clown Shorts" end up.
At around 2 pm we were running an hour late and Pinga couldn't find his Officer Down costume. I had to re write the script and ditch a lot of the gags because Pinga had to be his regular character, one who is slightly less of a prick than Officer Down, in the credits it will read "written and rewritten by Dingo the clown".
Chlorine and Bizzy, dissagree about what tape deck to use while recording our epic song, photos by Loren.
Pinga and I took turns setting up the shots.The music will be added later so the folks passing by got to see us doing the "hard sell" on some awful racket. Really, it was so funny, a crowd gathered to see what we were up to and were treated to a song that even penguins would hate.
When this cannon fired it was too fast for most people to capture ( on film) but Loren tried. After this photo was taken flames shot out the cannon and then raced back down the barrel at Pinga, when you see the film you won't see it, but Pinga quck as he could, threw the cannon in the yard and narrowly avoided becoming a Brazilian fireball in a big red shoe bike.
Next time we better use more pressure.
The cannon blew a hole in the big piano, lighting it on fire and making the show better and more entertaining. We didn't expect it to stink so bad.
So with all the sickness, work foibles, injury and stress (all plainface troubles, stuff I spent most of my life avoiding) I had a good damn day, one that was normal.
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