Friday, December 08, 2006


Thank you Portland dumpsters!
So far I have dumpstered a nice round of warm clothing, art stuff and blank media!
Now when I say "dumpster" it can mean free box, found on a fence wet or even from a dumpster.
Also Caffeine spent hours at the food stamp place this morning in the dark hours and secured for us state funded child care for us GOOD JOB CAFFO!
We were at our witts end about missing work and shows because we couldn't afford child care.
On that note (Cm) I got word through the grape vine that the butthole that spray painted our neighborhood, realized how bad that was for us and feels awful...well I hope so, that added to my grief!
I got a street full of restraunts I can'ty afford to eat at...and wouldn't want to.
Who wants to pay $10 for an egg breakfast?
The record store "Thunderbird" is closing down, he has a ton of used or independant cds and records but the people who have moved into the neighborhood are only interested in the mass produced corporate crap that they get from Wallmart or Circut city, no way in hell is he gonna sell that.
Dumpster diving is good for now, I hear rich neighborhoods have awful dumpster diving because they haul the trash away real fast or keep it out of sight minding property values.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.