Sunday, December 24, 2006

up in

Hi friends
I gotta share somethin with ya. I also have to phrase it in the window thats created between my own sorry English skills and the fact that I don't want to generate the kind of “comments” spam that such key words bear with me.

Y'know that stuff that the companies sell that we get hold of, set on fire, suck up the fumes and slowly die... well it's really bad, don't do it.

let me try again...
Smoking anything is bad news, I really wish I had never started, it stinks , it rules your life, and the legal stuff pays bad people a lot of money, the illegal stuff sends otherwise decent people to prison.
I wanted to get a patch but was advised that replacing the addictive additive would only treat the symptoms.

Now I guess I'll have to get needles pushed in me to keep me from burning stuff and huffing the fumes.

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spotting a fire