Saturday, November 04, 2006

I wasn't writing to you for a bit because of the old "If ya aint gots anything good to say then shuddap!" or whatever the saying is.
Who would want to hear a guy complain about skyrocketing rent, low pay, sadness and over work.
It's hard to raise kids alone while running a show a company and the whole "Save the world" thing we do.
It's much harder to do all that and also make it look easy, thats the path I'm on.
So good news?
Oh yeah, last week "The Elephant man" my friend Pegleg Ken from the 999 Eyes Carnival was standing at the bottom of the stairs sporting his holloween scarry face paint.
Do you know what the Elephant man with monster paint on his face looks like?
Well, he looks like the Elephant man with some stuff on his face (sorry Ken).
I whipped around the stairs and took one ook at him and with more meaning then I have ever employed blurted out "Haya doo- in there hansom!"

Leapin Louie the Cowboy dropped by today and turned me on to a rope trick that has eluded me for years, it's not every day that I get new stuff to work on, it was a real treat to have a pro like him instruct me how to turn a few feet of ordinary cotton rope into a living thing looping over my head and spinning like a top.

My boy is standing on his own, the dude sure is cute, think I'll keep him no matter what his mama said about him.

My little girl has found a way to deal with the pointlessness of public school in her dancing and singing.

Pinga has taken well to the loss of the bike shop, he moved right in and started painting like mad, since it's no longer a bike shop, a bunch of us have actually used the space to build stuff.
Before we mostly just unlocked the shop for other people who were building bikes for themselves.

Will Workforf Ood now has a job...thats awful news for him but great news to Caffeine and I who think it's funny.

Caffeine has unleashed a new character "Merica" who is a smokin' hot cheerleader with an American motif, you have to be over 18 to see that clown's adventures.

oh yeah Right Wing Bible Bumpin Govamint Nazis are starting to fall as the cult of greed is exposing them as the hipocriticalastic cheats they are.
From Pervo children chasers, bribe takers and other buzzards, I hope in time many charges are filed on thies people.
I don't care what they do to the Sheeple that follow them but when it effects me then I get angry.
Messing with nature is messing with me, messing with kids is messing with me.
Speaking of nature, I just got word that the fishing industry is in peril HAHAHAHAHA!
Thats what you get you greedy bitches!
You floating factory farms don't deserve to touch the fish you slaughter, they are sacred I hope you starve.
With the vast line of republicans headed for jail or at least getting exposed as frauds I still can't understand how people put up with getting bilked billions from Bush when it's a hassle just for us to keep food stamps going AND I KNOW COWBOY TRICKS!

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