Saturday, October 28, 2006


The freak show (999 Eyes Carnival, look at is in town and I had to work [the dish washing job] all three dates they asked me to do with them.
They did come by my work and played a ton of pirate songs for the customers. Lucky for us, it wasn't a night when the joint is full of college jerks who act like morons, make huge messes and don't tip, they would have turned it into a frat party.
Instead it was a neat, age old tradition of goblins playing music to drunks who in turn got them drunk, it was the first time in almost two years that I actually wanted to drink, don't worry, it passed.
The baby is into everything all the time and is cute doing it. The other kid has found the dance and music part of after school enthralling.
Caffo and Sprout have been putting on a stylish shadow puppet show and I can't wait to see how it comes out.
Will Workforf Ood has been hit by a car, cut with a saw, been gay, and had an expensive camera picked from his pocket. Worst of all (for him) he had to get a job. You can expect him to be in a foul mood, unless you see him going over the crime scene, or if you happen to have an extra digital camera you can give him..
Pinga has been doing a Haunted House gig (funded by the Army, I found out) and hasn't been around this month. He has been selling his art, and you can see some of it at the Vinyl Killers installation.
He recently lent his friend a digital camera and the friend managed to lose it for him, send sympathy cards and or replacement Digital cameras to
Bizzy Bawdy (the cheergirl) has been taking photos and she made herself a fine cheerleader outfit. She dances Awful..good.
The Red Shoe Of Death got an overhaul by a clown named "Art Stone." I can't make out what he wrote on it but it sure is purdy.I would show you what it looks like but my camera only takes imaginary photos.
The dog was uneffected by any of the above.

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mother Goose Rock