Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oil prices are up BAWHAWHAWHAW!

The "benevolent" oil companies have spilled millions of gallons of muck, right?
Just recently, they dumped thousands of gallons right on the Arctic Tundra. I know we all saw it coming, but for Dog's sake, how much more of our miraculous natural world are we going to sacrifice to our oil addiction?
With people lined up head to butt on the freeways in mostly empty vehicles, driving through fast food windows and getting ever sicker. You would think, as citzens of this planet, people would care more.
I'm thinking that humans arn't mature enough to fool with oil, it's killing us in many ways, from El Nino to urban sprawl, and we just belly up to the pump.
It's like teenagers fooling with booze, they get all tore up and never learn respect for it until they wrap a car around a phone pole and kill the prom queen.
It is called "Crude Oil," so I'm not suprized that it takes so many crude forms.
Live near where you work.
Pick up people that are going the same way you are.
Ride a horse. Be nice to it.
Imagine how fast an ambulance could get to an injured person, if the roads were clear of S.U.V.s, and instead filled with pedestrians and bikes who could hear it coming a mile away. Imagine the smell of car free trees and plants.
Street racers would have giant, powerful legs. Monster truck people would look like....well, us.
Only thing is; what would dogs chase?

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