Monday, August 07, 2006

Franc writes in from Jakartastan

Franc, our Gay, 1940's army clown has been in Indonesia farming bat guano.
He sent some pics of his world and his new country's bike culture.
Why he sent no pics of himself or any monkeys, I don't know.


Here's a color calibrated collection of creative Jakarta bikes I've created for y'all. This is only a small sampling of the contraptions that people ride around here on a daily basis, and doesn't include the beautiful pedicabs and dozens of other brightly colored and practical pedal-powered visions to be seen. Think of this as a rough sampling of what you might run into on a daily basis if you lived in this fine smog covered city. Thought I'd send it to you as is instead of never-ever. Maybe it'll give Topher some new things to ponder.

Much love to you all. Think of you whenever we see monkeys performing to the vibes (wakes us up at least once a damn week!) or people swallowing swords.

Oh yeah, the bike in front of the temple is my new wheels. Just like the folder back home!



Anonymous said...

The second image is Zoobomb Jakartastan style!

Dingo Dizmal said...

Sure is Felix, I hope he brings one of those things back with him(if he ever comes home)I want a taxi bike thats colored like a popcycle covered in dingle berrys.

spotting a fire