Thursday, July 20, 2006

Stem cells

ALRIGHT! president chimp just vetoed federal funding for stem cell research, that's great if you own a company that SELLs cures but awful if you are a clown who wants to cure stuff for free.
A stem cell is a blastisist (my favorite word during the first week of May this year) of cells that are what all the other cells develop from, they are very small.
The chimp declaired that it would be murder.
Now, since you are on the internet, do a quick search to find out how many people G.W.Chimp had exicuted while govenor of Texas, how many were retarded and how many were later found to be innocent?
What is the death toll in any of the oil bearing countries?
Speaking of irritants, I was scrubbing some stainless steel at work tonight and accidently read the lable on the cleaning chemical, it read "Eye irritant" It's bright yellow liquid that smells of death, I thought "irritant" is a bit wimpy for this clown so I dumped enough of it in my eye that I can now write the company and have them change the lable to say "blindant".
Sorry my typing is so crappy, the dog is giving me a "toe job" , I'm eating, blind in one eye and look what time it is (you gotta tell me cuz I'm blind in that eye)

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