Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Dumpster diver

There is no disgusting trash out there that you can't make worse by adding melon rinds and the seed goo, I just added some to my office trash bin and I'm too grossed out to take it out, thus compounding the situation.
I just ate the melon so it's fresh but mixed in with tin, plastic, old taco wrappers and dead sea monkeys, it looks like it's over a week old...yuck!
Today is my only day off, I was concrerned for two friends named Liz who got hurt and are in the hospital and I hung out with the chillins.
I got a chance to be the dumpster fairy today, lugging recycling and trash from the house and comming back with new crap, I found two dowles that still have the price tags on them, I bet I can use those to make puppet arms of maybe a bike powered shower curtain.
I don't know if it's right or wrong to be human, our species is built to both be really smart and really stupid, we can build a power plant, stop a river and do it with air conditioned offices but in the end, we still will have an ape running the show, so is it the natural curse/blessing to be able to generate so much trash?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dingo, this is liz s., I'm okay, but too embarrassed to stop by. I heard about the other Liz though and you should tell her that if she needs someone to watch movies or keep her company I can come over or if she needs somewhere quiet to chill, my house is pretty chill and she's welcome to give me a call. <3 liz

spotting a fire