Thursday, February 09, 2006

what a wierdo

Noel Godin, the cream pie flinger

Noel Godin (1945) is a Belgian writer, critic, actor and notorious cream pie flinger or ‘entarteur’. Godin gained global attention in 1998 when his group ambushed Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in Brussels, pelting the software magnate with pies. Godin claims his goal has long been to ‘entarte’ as many people like Gates as possible - people he feels are particularly self-important and lacking a sense of humor.

Godin, who uses the pseudonym ‘Georges Le Gloupier’ has also inspired an unknown number of followers around the world, who now regularly provide him with details about the whereabouts of various important potential targets. It took 32 people to conduct the Bill Gates operation. His followers take care to look as ridiculous as possible as they throw their tarts, smiling broadly, spouting anti-pretentious poetry and repeating "gloup, gloup, gloup."

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