Thursday, January 26, 2006

Two year old and three year old (dog)

The 17-month old who lives here is a constant source of entertainment.
I love when she strips herself nekkid and runs like hell with her mom chasing.
She kind of looks like Elmer Fudd, and she cracks up at the chaos she creates.
I just look from afar and laugh my butt off.
I do help out though, I take the phone away and replace it with a toy, I pick her up when she crashes into stuff but for the most part her mom is there and aware.
Good parents work out good here.
Now the chalenge is keeping the dog and the kid from licking each others balls and eating out of each others bowls. (that sounded way wierder than I meant it to).
The two have a lot in common, they both depend on a large ape to feed them and keep their little lives enriched, they both are illegal to walk the streets alone and they put their mouths on everything.
At least the child has no tail. Our dog often sweeps the coffee table clear with her big tail and when the stuff crashes to the floor she looks at me like I did something.
I learned way before we had kids that dog tails have no idea what "street value" is. Nowdays the stuff the kids and dogs fling around are all "Kid and Critter Safe," anyway so unless it's liquid, I just clean up when they leave.

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