Monday, December 05, 2005

mark your friggin calendars... and tell your friends to too.

Hey kids. I know it's early but mark your friggin calendars... and tell your friends to too.

2nd Annual Nuclear Winter Formal
Friday January 27th @ the new venue Someday (5th & Couch two doors up from The Backspace)
This event is all ages. $10 – 20 donation

Civilization is devouring the planet at an accelerating rate. Lets face it; collapse is inevitable. Most people might poo-poo you with doom and gloom visions of the future but we say, why fear it? Why not celebrate it? Hell, why not take it a step further and prepare for it by celebrating before it actually happens? We are Mythmedia and this is Preemptive Post-apocalypticism, and I Urban Scout along with my trusty sidekick Asa, AKA Trail Boy, will be your hosts. Are you ready for our second annual fundraiser the Nuclear Winter Formal? If not, then hurry and get a costume, a date and come to the party that will make post-history. This years line up is fucking killer, just like the genocides, famines, and ecological destruction inherent in civilization!

The Hunches
DJ Thunder & more
also the Pepto Dizmal clownarchy

A Costume Contest, judged by local fashionistas Charlotte LaVictoire, Elspeth Vance, and Shawn Deller, oh yeah and we got prizes! Yes, Prizes! Such as gas masks, Mad Max dvds, survival kits, and many more with our grand prize being a computer filled with video games to numb your mind while the world bleeds to death around you - donated by the great people at The Backspace.

What kind of Formal doesn't have a place for you and your date to get photos? Not ours! Our friend Brett Superstar has painted a beautiful cityscape of a post-apocalyptic Portland for you and your date to document this exciting time in human history.

Popularity Contest:
That's not all! We will be giving away prizes to the Nuclear Winter Formals "King and Queen." Judged by YOU!

There it is. If you're not excited about the fall of civilization now, you're a poseur.

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Treasure quest with Dingo Dizmal