Thursday, November 17, 2005

warm linkage

pool party

mind blower

Rev.Phils bike tour


Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy,

That shot looks awful nice right now... been a plainfacer for too many moons. Finding a counter-culture crowd in Jakarta is nearly impossible. Naya's friends from art school are great - but the gap between the rich and the poor here is insane. The artsy kids like hanging out in coffeeshops in the malls, and the malls here are super posh and disguisting - the mega rich's temples to western culture and consumerism. I can't wait to get out of this city and do some backpacking.

We're planning on doing a screening with some friends, so soon the Alberta Clown House films will have made it to Indonesia! All my love to the clan, I hope for the best for y'all.

Tell Cap't Insano he's looking hot in that photo.

Talk to ya' later bud.


Dingo Dizmal said...

Now we can say we are big in both Jakarta and Columbia.

positive mail roll model

Today I took my secret romantic partner's 10 year old son on one of my Dump Bunny cartage service dump runs. We had a blast together but...