Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Solid Gold

I asked our friend and the Tall bike jousting champion of the Clown House (next to Capt. Insano) and Zoobombadero "Solid Gold", how it's going in France. He went all the way there and now can report for T.D.D.D. I got hold of him through the Zoo Bomb Forum.

Dingo: Hey Solid Gold, are you in the riots and stuff?

Solid Gold: can't talk, gotta keep filling molotov's....

no, but seriously, the rioting is kind of cool, and kind of fucked up. in france, arabs are treated like the mexicans in our country, but worse. see, they're the largest immigrant group, and mostly live in ethnic ghettos, not unlike south central LA. and to compound this, you gotta remember, most of north africa was a french colony up till the earlier 60's, when they had a bloody war for independance in algeria, sudan, etc. it was their version of vietnam, a colonial power getting slaughtered by third worlders defending their homes. so, there's still a lot of hard feelings in france towards the Arabs. plus, europe isn't used to immigrants. everyone in france, traditionally, is french. like, their family has lived there for hundreds of years, and so they aren't used to dealing with the concept of immigration, and accepting immigrants.

ok, so you've got a whole shitload of poor africans who show up in france, since their economy and country has been totally butt-fucked by french colonialism, they want jobs, and they ain't gonna find them in africa. but there aren't too many jobs here either, and there's even less jobs if you're black or brown. and the police, like police everywhere, do a fine job of oppressing the minorities with random searches and beat-downs. so, you've got a poor, oppressed people who are regularly discriminated against, and the death of these two kids just set it all off. they basically just said fuck this, it's time to fight back, let 'em know how you feel about their society by throwing a brick at it.

i totally understand this, and honestly, think it's pretty fucking cool. EXCEPT for the fact that they're not destroying state buildings, or the property of the rich elite who live in paris. like always, they're destroying their own schools, their own shops, and their own cars. what the fuck!? why is it always like that? same fucking thing with the LA riots, they destroy the place THEY live, not the mansions of the oppressors.

on the plus side, this will force the french government to begin dealing with the immigrants in a different way, hopefully trying to integrate them into society more and provide legal protections for them.

all around the world, the poor and the oppressed are gathering, getting ready to fight back against the hand that beats them. everywhere except of course, america, where the rich came up with the brilliant manipulation and pacification technique of controlling the media and especially TV. but not in the iron-fist way of Iran, but in the greed is good way of capitalism. sure, you have the freedom to express radical ideas in american media, you just have to be a multi-millionaire to do so, that's all. why do you think TV's are so fucking inexpensive in america? now, the poor vote republican, if they bother to vote at all (p.s. how many of you bother to vote?) now, blacks want to be gangstas instead of Panthers. and all the while, the rich are just chuckling as their power and cash grows larger.


Anonymous said...

Duuuude -
You want to talk about control of the media - look right next door in Italy!
The prime minister, Berlusconi - LITERALLY owns all the large media and actively works to shut you down if you oppose him.
He was a media magnate before he became prime minister.

Anonymous said...

yes...unlike say...rupert murdoch? my point is that TV is junk, because it guarantees the right to 'free' expression only to those rich enough to afford it. in europe TV is not the god it is in america, yet. people still read here. primarily because only a minority own cable television, although the number is unfortunately increasing.

Anonymous said...

yes...unlike say...rupert murdoch? my point is that TV is junk, because it guarantees the right to 'free' expression only to those rich enough to afford it. in europe TV is not the god it is in america, yet. people still read here. primarily because only a minority own cable television, although the number is unfortunately increasing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hear what you're saying!!!
I guess my point is the Rupert Murdoch is not Bush.... Although the connection may be so close, at times its hard to tell the difference - its not as explicit as the Italy example.

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