Saturday, November 19, 2005

photos have nothing to do with article

Yowza! I just got a break from kid duty, a whole mess of em went down the street to be someone else's train wreck. Earlier they had asked me "Can we do experiments in the kitchen?"I let them and now the place looks like a Tellatubby bar brawl happened.
I had a couple of hours before work (at BARAKKA) so I decided to cop a squat on the sofa and watch some trash TV. It was a gritty, over edited for time, type prison flick about reform school boys called Sleepers. It had Kevin Bacon in it so I really wanted to pay attention to who else was in the movie, being "in the know" is really helpful in my business's (being AT "the KNOW" on Alberta street is good for pinball).
After a brutal scene involving four, drunk, guards and four teen boys who were underground in a dank basement they quickly cut to commercial,
It went: four guards approaching young boys in the dark, a young man screaming as the shot pulls way back into the darkness, Chuck Norris and a liver spotted, bimbo, shilling exercise equipment showing tape of a young boy in a machine that spreads his legs open over and over with shots of a burley meathead also pumping iron and smiling.
In a rare move I turned the TV off and started talking to you.
eeeew, I feel dirty, I wish I could wash my eyeballs.
I may have a stand up drummer to do, stand up comedy with us. her companion plays music too. They brought us chocolate bon bons and told me that Rev.Phil played one of our movies last night and that it went over like gangbusters,people had a lot of laughs, thats what it's all about...kinda like food or a pleasant addiction. I gotziz big plans for the indoor show but no PEEKING till it's done.

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positive mail roll model

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