Saturday, November 05, 2005

The fella that my friend Charlie pointed out as the dude who ratted us out to the city came in to my work at BARRAKA and told me he had run into Charlie, and he had gave him an ear full.
The guy said he had nothing to do with calling on us, and said he would never do such a thing.
I told him that my job was more on the moving forward part and the who dunnit part is for other people to deal with. I just gotta keep the roof over our heads.
He did suggest that our landlord may be to blame.
I didn't say that I did or didn't believe him, I don't care really. It did speak volumes that, when he walked in, I was busy re-heating pans of goo, and after I told him I would be out in a second, he just stood where the wait staff works and drunkenly told me his story, cussing and ignoring the tickets that kept spitting out. That shows a profound lack of concern for anybody but himself. I hope he gets over himself for his own sake. hahaha!
I did notice that his obnoxious new building is not the one covering the kids mural. That's another obnoxious building. I did bust my head open because of his construction site, but I don't get on people for stuff like that.
I leave people be, sure wish they would do the same for us.

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