Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Heat

Until this morning we have been without heat. It's
ok, the kids burn hot and it's common practice to get a blanket if you are cold, thats to save money and the planet. I kind of have a hard time with turning the heat on. When it's winter and people turn the heat up, a house gets hotter than when It's summer. The vents blow dust all over and you wake up feeling ill, and worst of all the heat runs on oil OIL! my least favorate commodity.

Turning the heat on also proved to be difficult because the heater is really old. The heater guy came over today and said the entire system needed to be replaced, Caffeine also noticed that the oil tank has a leak, The oil level has dropped since last spring.
I didn't see the heater guy but I could hear him telling Caffo, "Oh this thing is from the beginning of the last century, it runs on whale blubber (I may have just made that last part up, it was dark this morning).
The plan is to use blankets as much as we can and only turn the heat on when we absoulutly have to. Also we gotta find some calking and plastic wrap for the windows.
Here is our wish list:
and use of a shop vac for the vents.
If anybody can help us out with this stuff I'll kick down some Dawg Snax and may even play you a song.


Anonymous said...

i hear ya on the heat. I say, turn on some music and dance around. much cheaper than oil. gary (over in the star e rose building) might have a shop vac you could borrow.

y'all should come over tonight for the dinner i'm making winona and dave and g-man. there will be pie and lasagna and greens and 'taters and CHILI!!!

Dingo Dizmal said...


Anonymous said...

Hey...I think I know someone that has a shop vac you can use.

I'll look into it.

Y'all have been on my mind lately.

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