Monday, October 24, 2005

While we get the pre-inspection, inspection

hit and run...for miles
where I want to be when I turn 100 years old
10 comandments need a re write

The fella from the city is here doing a pre-inspection, inspection. Now we learn for what crime we were accused and what punishment we will have to endure. Caffeine is out there showing him the yard toys and how they are not trash (my rule of thumb is, it's never trash if you can get on it and ride it.Thats the case with the giant spools)
While she deals with the man, I'm doing my part by hiding in the porn pipe and talking to you.
Do yall like the links I keep sticking up ? I have tons of stuff to write about, in fact my head is always exploding with content but I hardly have time to both write, and track down rent and grub, so when I surf the net I like to share what I find with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the links and all the fun content. Keep it coming! It's not too often I get to peer inside the noggin' of real-life Texican Clown ;-)

positive mail roll model

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