Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Yes my friends, it's getting to be fall, the first tangs of cold have woken the leaves and reminded them it is time to die.
Leather weather, time to start doing inside shows and give the yard of the Clown House a break from heavy traffic. This year had seen the grass on the ground turn to dirt, mud, and now a fine dust that covers everything and makes each bike wreck look like the end of the world.

I'm exited about the winter, it sucks for most clowning and it's really bad if a super tall bike is your main form of transpo' but one thing makes it great. Remember when Portland Iced over and for a few weeks was another planet?
Well I took my trusty battle ax and a boat oar and made tens of dollars shoveling sidewalks, Nobody could move, bikes were grounded, cars couldn't move passed a crawl and even walking was a huge production. Nobody was moving any faster than the fastest banana slug...and then there was the clowns on spin cycles, see the spin cycle has three wheels and is made to spin out of (in) control. I was sailing faster than the frikkin snow trucks. So when you see me whizzing by, just think of how very clever I am, keeping warm with my own smugness.
So that will be fun...besides that, I'm pretty sure winter sucks.

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positive mail roll model

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