Thursday, September 15, 2005

Free food!

We have crates of free food on the porch today, we have, potatoes, greens, broccoli, carrots, breads of all kinds, all donated and all free, come and get it.
Also theres going to be a room here at the house open to rent for October.
The room thats open is a non-drunk position and the person has to have a job and not mind noise, kids, crowds,or the dog.
No pets, open for one person.

This Sat. is the parade thats been thrown together, here at the house we are having the CLOWN HOUSE DERBY!!!! thats not a hat, its racing...that is racing mini bikes in tight circles around a track we have been building all week. Yesterday the yard was full of activity and meyhem.
People were building little bikes up and "Twitch" actually built a tiny tall bike for little "Tangles" the clown to ride.
Come see the races and bring a bike and some kind of armor if you want to race too. I'm still trying to track down prizes.

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